Thankful. Grateful. Blessed.

I was scrolling through the pictures on my phone today and stumbled on a photograph of my lymphedema legs exactly one year ago. The picture was taken a day before I was admitted to the hospital with cellulitis and subsequently diagnosed with lymphedema, a day before my life was turned upside down for a number of... Continue Reading →

Donegal – the new love of my life

I have lived in Ireland just over 10 years and only recently had a chance to visit County Donegal. It had been in my to-do list for a while but for one reason or another, I had never made it... Apparently I am not the only one, according to Failte Ireland only 8% of domestic... Continue Reading →

Lymphie, and fine with it.

About a year ago, sitting in the ER in pretty bad pain and discomfort, trying to find out what was going on with my leg, I heard about a condition called lymphedema for the very first time. Up until the diagnosis I had no idea a condition like that even existed, let alone knowing what... Continue Reading →

That “What If” person

I think a lot of us have that one "What If" person. Someone who you've known for many years but with who you for one reason or another never ended up with. The person you will always look back at with fond memories, you’ll smile when they cross your mind, and if you find out... Continue Reading →

Keep your head up, my friend.

Hey you. I sat across from you the other day. As I looked into your eyes I recognized the exhaustion and worry, you are struggling and tired. No matter how cliche it sounds, one of the truest things I can say to you right now is that you are not alone. As you know yourself,... Continue Reading →

Little By Little

There comes a time in life when you feel like you must have it all figured out. You must be in a happy Instagram-worthy relationship, have a well paid steady job and a substantial amount of savings on your bank account. You must own a property and have, or at the very least plan to... Continue Reading →

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